‘’The Bible doesn’t answer all our questions about heaven and life after death—and the reason is because our minds are limited and heaven is far too glorious for us to understand. Someday, all of our questions will be answered—but not yet. As the Apostle Paul wrote; ‘Now I know in part; then I shall know fully’’. Late Televangelist Billy GrahamRecently, I had to re-evaluate everything in my life. I mean everything; where I started from, what I had been through and where I am right now. Thereafter, I came to the conclusion that definitely my home is not on this earth. I am only ‘passing through’. My home is definitely in heaven. At that point I began to appreciate the fact that it is absolutely of no consequence ‘per se’ how long we actually live (i.e. age) on the earth, where (city, town, village) where we are born, the house (mansion, castle, building) we live, the food we eat or even the language that we speak etc. All those things are only of relevance when we are here on earth. In other words all the basic indices of food, shelter, clothing, safety, language, colour, creed, gender etc have relevance only in the context of our earthly life and citizenship when we are here on earth. These indices or factors do not determine our purpose on earth neither do they signpost us to heaven in any way. Heaven is a reality and so is hell. Only those who are qualified to be there will enter into heaven at the end of the age. I mean only those who have the citizenship identity and status will make it into heaven. The question therefore is not whether you and I will die but where you and I will spend eternity. Do you have the heavenly citizenship status?